Start your engines, polish your stethoscope and may the fastest hospital win! You’ll need to race to scoop up the profits, I mean patients, as rival hospitals hit the streets with their own new ambulance alternatives. Fly in timeless style with the Relicopter or squat through the skies in glorious privacy with the Airloovator. Head off-road with the Big Healer or cram in a laughable load with the Pantomobile. Use Gretchen’s designs to build and manage a fleet of innovative and unorthodox ambulances, designed for every and any emergency situation.

Meet Gretchen Gearbox, world-class mechanic and inventor, friend to the sickly and the stung by bees. Everyday thousands of citizens hurt themselves in new and amusing ways, these people need our help, but how? A traditional ambulance is no match for the perils of today, lucky for us, the County’s brightest minds are up to the task!